After thoughts

I can’t believe how long it took me to finally open up about my childhood. It was extremely difficult to publish my last post. I hesitated over and over.  It dawned on me as I hit the publish button… I didn’t write about cancer, I wrote about my father.  One of the hardest things I’ve…

Life on life’s terms

I am so angry at bipolar. I am in the pity stage again.  I thought I was on a roll.  I thought I was learning how to live with this disorder.  In a way,  I see that I had progress, but now I’m close to where I started. I had my first surgery to get…

Trying to Bloom

I am sorry that its been so long since my last post.  It has been a roller coaster since March. As of today, Doc wants to try wellebutrin (sp?).  So, here we go. I took myself off lemectal and since last week, have only been on prozac. I’m acting like a rebellious teen with all…

Off the beaten path

It’s like I’m walking through a forest. It’s dark. There is a path that starts and stops. When I’m on the path, I feel okay. I feel cautious. I’m still afraid. The path gives me a bit of hope that I’ll find my destination in the dark. When I lose the path, I am frightened.…

My Sweet Everyday Valentine

So I abruptly stopped taking lemectol the other day and I had been feeling well. I started reading about the dangers of not weaning off the medication so I decreased my dosage and began taking it again. I felt awful today. I was confused, dizzy, off balance, slurred speech, and I’m still not feeling normal.…

Weather Girl

Growing up, my father had always wanted me to be a weather gal. Although I never went to school to be a meteorologist, I sure do wish I could predict the weather. I also wish I could predict tomorrow. I’ve never had more clarity when it comes to priorities, morals, and values than I do…

Hard Days Night

Some people still don’t get it. I don’t wake up and say that my life sucks and decide to be sad, scared, forgetful, or clumsy. I’m a good person. I have always cared for people and in my heart, have tried to do the right thing. I’ve been through a lot in my 32 years…